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Application in the field of bicycles

Application in the field of bicycles

Application i

Application in the field of bicycles

Application i

Application in the field of bicycles

Application i

Application in the field of bicycles

Application i


Bicycles are an indispensable means of transportation in daily life. With the rapid development of modern society, bicycles are no longer just transportation and transportation tools, but also include various functions such as fitness, travel, and competition. The emergence of carbon fiber composite materials has achieved a "black revolution" in the bicycle industry. Carbon fiber bicycles have a more beautiful and lightweight appearance, and have greatly improved riding comfort. Today, let Qi Gong from Boshi briefly introduce the application advantages of carbon fiber composite materials in bicycles.

Carbon fiber bicycles use lightweight, high-strength, and high modulus carbon fiber composite materials to replace traditional metal materials, which not only reduces the weight of the bicycle body, but also maintains the size stability of the bicycle, is not easily deformed, and improves safety performance; Carbon fiber bicycle components can adopt a large-area integrated molding process to reduce the use of components, without connecting gaps, with high structural strength and beautiful product design, which can optimize the assembly process of the entire bicycle; A streamlined design will reduce cycling resistance and increase cycling speed.

After the function of bicycles has changed from a means of transportation to cloud top equipment for cycling, leisure and fitness, the addition of carbon fiber composite materials can greatly meet the requirements of sports players and cycling enthusiasts for lightweight and high-performance. Practice has shown that the application of carbon fiber composite materials instead of steel and aluminum alloys on bicycles can reduce weight by 20% -30%, equivalent to increasing effective cycling force by more than 45%. With the development of cycling sports, carbon fiber composite materials have also begun to show a trend of popularization in the cycling industry. At the same time, with the deepening of research, it is believed that the price will also begin to show a trend of popularization.

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